Tab/Accordion Items

ACH Handbook – Information about Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and instructions for making payments using National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) rules and regulations through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Credit method.

Tax Agent Authorization Form (AAF-2) - The Tax Agent Authorization form is a document used to link an Agent to an employer’s account roles for Tax record with DES.  This document may be completed electronically in NCSUITS, or a paper copy may be mailed/faxed to DES.

Claims Agent Authorization Form - Allows a claims agent to be linked to an employer account.

Job Listing Fax Forms - Employers fax job orders to the nearest NCWorks Career Center office, to display your job openings.

NCUI-101 Quarterly Tax and Wage Report – Form for employers to submit tax and wage reports on paper.

Quarterly Tax and Wage Reporting – Specifications and Record Layouts for Electronic Filing.

NCUI-686 – Adjustment to Employer's Quarterly Tax & Wage Report - Allows employers to correct errors made on previously submitted quarterly tax and wage reports.

Quarterly Tax Payment Voucher – Form to download and print if you file your quarterly tax and wage report online and will pay by check or money order. Attach your payment to the completed form and mail it to DES to credit your account.

NCUI 604 - Employer Status Report – Complete and submit to register and determine an employer’s liability under N.C. Employment Security Law, General Statute 96 and division regulations. This process may be completed online.

NCUI 101A - Change in Status Report – Allows employers to notify DES when changes in business status occur such as ownership, address, business closure, or when a business begins operations again after it has been closed or inactive. This process may be completed online in NCSUITS under Account Maintenance.

Notice of Attorney Supervision Form – Allows an individual, under the supervision of a North Carolina licensed attorney, to represent employers in hearings and to enter appeals.

RC-1 - Employer's Election to Cover Multi-State Workers Under the Employment Security Law of North Carolina - Allows an employer to elect, subject to approval by the Employment Security agencies involved, to cover individuals customarily employed by him on work in more than one jurisdiction.

NCESC 524 - Certificate of Coverage and Notice to Workers as to Benefit Rights - A notice for employers to display for employee information.

Specifications for Automated Account Number Verification Program – This information provides instructions for agents who service accounts to obtain the account numbers of their employer, through an automated process.

Power of Attorney Form (POA) - The Power of Attorney form provides an Agent/Third Party Administrator (TPA) the authority to act on behalf of the employer concerning tax and claims. It may be completed electronically in NCSUITS, or a paper copy may be mailed/faxed to DES for processing and approval.

Power of Attorney Instruction Document – Offers a detailed explanation regarding types of Power of Attorney.


  • Benefit Rights – Learn about your legal rights and responsibilities while filing a claim for unemployment benefits.
  • 10 Things You Should Know About the UI System when Filing Your Claim - Learn about how unemployment can provide temporary financial assistance to qualified individuals who meet eligibility requirements of state law. Learn about how unemployment can provide temporary financial assistance to qualified individuals who meet eligibility requirements of state law.

Guide to UI Benefits Brochure

Common Unemployment Insurance Mistakes (English)

Create an Online Account (English)

What you need to know about the NC unemployment insurance benefits process (English)

What is Unemployment Insurance Fraud (English)

NCUI 506E - Work Search Record. You must register with NCWorks and search for a job each week you file for unemployment.  You must contact three employers for each week and keep track on this form.

NCUI IB10-A - Eligibility Review Notice and Work Search Record for Interstate (Out-of-State) Claimants - The purpose of this review is to monitor your eligibility for benefits. This form must be received within 14 days of the date it was mailed to you. 

NCUI 500TW - Voluntary Election for Withholding of Individual Income Tax and or Direct Deposit of Benefits - Allows the person filing a claim to select money amounts withheld for state and federal tax purposes. DES can withhold a portion benefits each week to meet tax obligations.

NCUI 500TWC - Change Tax Withholding or Direct Deposit -This form is to change tax withholding information or direct deposit information.

NCUI 517x - Unemployment Insurance Information for Workers on Temporary Layoff – Required to be provided by your employer if you have been temporarily laid off or unemployed. An employer will tell employees when a temporary layoff occurs or is pending, and when and where you will be required to provide information for unemployment benefits.

Certificate of Coverage and Notice to Workers poster

Employers determined to be liable under the Employment Security Law (Chapter 96 of the North Carolina General Statutes) are required to display this poster in their workplace: