Services available to third-party administrators and agents are supplied to agents who have a power-of-attorney on file with the Division of Employment Security for each employer for which data is requested. Transactions involving a power-of-attorney must comply with General Statute Chapter 32A.

TPAs and Agents

Tab/Accordion Items

Third-party administrators and agents are representatives interacting with the Division of Employment Security on behalf of an employer. 

If you report tax and wage data or file claims for employers with employees in North Carolina, you will need an agent number.

An agent number may be obtained by contacting the UI Employer Support Center at 919-289-5424.

Once you receive the agent number and PIN, you must create an online account. During this process, you will create your own unique User ID and password. The process is complete when you receive an email confirmation with instructions to activate your account.

You will need to submit the Agent Authorization Form (AAF-2) for each employer you want added to your account. After employers are linked, you can view the employer's account information and do business for the employer. 

The AAF form may be faxed to 919-733-1255 or mailed to:

Division of Employment Security
P.O. Box 26504
Raleigh, N.C. 27611-6504

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