Create a MyNCUIBenefits account to file a claim for unemployment benefits. Once you file your claim, you can sign into your account to file weekly certifications and check your claim status. Learn more about applying for unemployment below.
Check out the Guide to UI Benefits brochure in English and Spanish.
MyNCUIBenefits Account Quick Links
Am I Eligible for Unemployment
If you lost your main job through no fault of your own, unemployment benefits can help you with expenses while you look for work. You must be able and available for work, and actively looking for a job, to get benefits.
Documents Needed to Apply
Ready to file a claim? Make sure you have the necessary information before you start.
Filing your Unemployment Application
The fastest way to apply for unemployment benefits is to create a MyNCUIBenefits account and file a claim online. Learn how to get started.
Filing Your Weekly Certification
You must submit a weekly certification after each week that you want to get unemployment benefits. The weekly certification asks questions about whether you were able, available and actively looking for work that week.
Your Work Search Responsibilities
You must look for work each week that you wish to get benefits. Contact at least three employers about a job each week. If you don’t look for work, you may be denied benefits.
Report Work and Earnings
If you work while getting unemployment benefits, you must report the money you make each week. You can work and make 20% of your weekly unemployment benefit amount without it being deducted from your weekly benefits.
Learn how to file an appeal, and what you need to do to prepare for a hearing on your appeal.
Overpayment means that you were paid unemployment benefits you were not entitled to get. Learn more about overpayments, paying back overpayments and fraud.
Search for a Job
As you start your job search, the state's NCWorks system has many resources available to help you.
Frequently Asked Questions About Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment benefits are complex. You may have questions that have already been answered. Check the Frequently Asked Questions page to get answers to the most common questions about unemployment benefits.