Press Releases

The Division of Employment Security (DES) has announced that Mecklenburg and Swain counties have been approved for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) because of the devastating impacts from Hurricane Helene, joining 25 counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina that w

Después de una declaración federal de desastre debido a los efectos devastadores del huracán Helene, la División de Seguridad del Empleo (DES) ha anunciado que 25 condados de Carolina del Norte y la zona de la Banda Este de los Indios Cherokee de Carolina del Norte han sido aprobados para la Asis

Following a federal disaster declaration resulting from the devastating impacts from Hurricane Helene, the Division of Employment Security (DES) has announced that 25 North Carolina counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina have been approved for Disaster Unemployment As

People who were paid unemployment benefits in 2023 can now view or download their 1099-G tax statements through their secure, online account accessible from the N.C.

People paid unemployment benefits in 2022 can now view or download their 1099-G tax statements through their secure, online account accessible from the N.C.

For those employers using SIDES E-Response, the system will be unavailable on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 2:00p.m. – 6:30 p.m. ET as we update the system.

The Division of Employment Security (DES) has detected a recent increase in suspected imposter fraud in the unemployment benefits system. Fraud safeguards put in place by DES flagged suspicious claims to prevent payments from being released.

When you’re filing for unemployment benefits, it’s important to read all the information you receive from the Division of Employment Security, know your responsibilities and provide accurate information.

Following a federal disaster declaration due to the effects of Tropical Storm Fred, three North Carolina counties were approved for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA): Buncombe, Haywood and Transylvania counties. 

Following a federal disaster declaration due to the effects of Tropical Storm Fred, the Division of Employment Security (DES) has announced that three North Carolina counties have been approved for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA).