Contact the UI Support Center at 888-737-0259

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Unemployment Insurance Contacts

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Log in to your MyNCUIBenefits account if you have questions about your unemployment claim, your MyNCUIBenefits account, or need help with login or password resets.

For further assistance: 
UI Support Center: 888-737-0259 (Do not call if you are an employer. This is for individuals only). 
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
Fraud Hotline: 919-701-3543

New Claims Only

The easiest way to apply for unemployment benefits is to create a MyNCUIBenefits account. If you still have any questions about either filing a claim or about an existing claim, call the UI Support Center at 888-737-0259.

Weekly Requirements

  1. Weekly certifications (or weekly claim for benefits) must be filed online.
  2. Search for work.
  3. Report Work and Earnings.

If you don’t have access to a computer, you can contact our customer call center by calling 1-888-737-0259.

Overpayment Inquiries 

If you have questions about overpayments, please use the  Overpayment Question Form.

UI Employer Support Center
If you still have questions or need assistance, contact the UI Employer Support Center.
Phone: 866-278-3822 
Fax: 919-341-5697
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you have questions about filing an appeal, contact the UI Support Center or UI Employer Support Center.

You can file an appeal in one of several ways:

  1. Sign into your MyNCUIBenefits account online at
  2. Fax to 919-733-1228
  3. Email to
  4. Mail to DES Appeals, PO Box 25903, Raleigh, NC 27611-5903

If you’ve gotten your determination and you wish to appeal, review the documentation for information about your appeal rights. Verbal appeals are not accepted. Visit DES’s appeals page for more information.

Media, legislators and other government agencies needing information about the N.C. Division of Employment Security should email the Communications Office at

For faster, direct service:

Employee Directory

DES Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 25903
Raleigh, NC 27611-5903

The DES Central Office is a secure facility that is not open to the public. If you need help with your unemployment claim, please log in to your MyNCUIBenefits account. 

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